Employees are Talking About Unionizing – Help!

Maximizing Efficiently by Using Unanet CRM to Track Opportunities

When to Request a Consent to Subcontract If You Don't Qualify for a Purchasing Review

The CAS Board is Looking for Input on its Proposed Changes Related to Revenue and Right of Use Leases

The CAS Board is looking to Drop Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) 408 and 409

DFARS Final Rule on Commercial Products Procured Under Major Weapon Systems

DoD Implementing the Congressional Direction to Align DFARS with GAAS

Get Up to Speed on Significant Changes to 2 CFR Regulations Effective October 2024

Taking the Mystery Out of DCAA’s Incurred Cost Audits

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 409 - Depreciation of Tangible Capital Assets

The CAS Board is Looking to Address CAS Applicability When it Comes to IDIQ Contracts

How to Use Unanet to Automate Your Incurred Cost Reports

DCAA Accounting System Compliance with Deltek Costpoint

Is Submitting Other Than Certified Cost or Pricing Data Risk-Free?

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 404 - Capitalization of Tangible Assets

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 415 – Accounting for the Cost of Deferred Compensation

Training is an Allowable Cost and Required for Government Contractors

Connect Data from Opportunity to Closeout with Deltek’s Costpoint CRM & Contracts Module

New Roles and Org Access Functionality in Unanet for Government Contractors

Cost Accounting for The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)

DPC Issues Guidance to DoD for Lack of Verifying Contractor Compliance with Whistleblower Protection Requirements

The Basics of Accounting System Requirements for Government Contractors

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 420 – Accounting for IR&D Costs and Bid & Proposal B&P Costs

Calculating Indirect Rates Using QuickBooks

Overview of Contract Types and What Government Contractors Need to Know

Rights and Obligations of Employers and Unions

Common Challenges Due to Poor Implementation of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)

Using Unanet to Develop Provisional Billing Rates

What Should I Do Now that the Government Has Terminated My Contract?

Is It Time for the FAR Council to Consider Changing How Contracts are Audited?

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 408 - Accounting for Costs of Compensated Person Absence

DoD Creates Confusion Related to Commercial Subcontracts

What is Really Important to Know About FAR Part 31?

IMPORTANT UPDATE: DoD Simplifies Government Property Clauses

The Department of Labor Issues New Rules on Employee Classifications

New DFARS Rule Attempts to Limit Flowdowns to DoD Commercial Subcontracts

Understanding Health and Welfare Under the Service Contract Act (SCA)

FAR Parts and Why They Matter to Government Contractors

Is Construction for the Federal Government Commercial?

January 1st Unanet Implementation: Where Are You Now?

Why You Don't Want to Miss Redstone GCI's Day with Deltek 2024

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 403 - Allocation of Home Office Expenses to Segments

The Critical Importance of Understanding Legally Binding Contracts Before Signing

Avoid a Hefty Tax Bill with State Sales and Use Tax Exemptions on Government Contracts

Navigating Alabama's New 2024 Overtime Pay Exemption in Deltek Costpoint

Why is Timekeeping so Important and What do Auditors Expect?

DCAA Issues Real-Time (Labor & Material) Audit Guidance – Good News or Not so Good News?

What Government Contractors Can Look Forward to in 2024 with Unanet

DCAA Publishes the 2024 Compensation Cap

What Government Contractors Can Expect in a Purchase Existence and Consumption Audit

What Government Contractors Can Expect in a Real-Time Labor Audit

Supply Chain Requirements on Covered Articles in Effect Now

Common Mistakes in Termination Proposals for Government Contracts

Changing from QuickBooks to a Government Contract Accounting System

Revision to DCAA’s Mandatory Annual Audit Requirements (MAARs)

Are You Filing 2023 1099s? You Will Need a Transmitter Control Code (TCC).

2023 Year End Unanet Accounting Checklist for Government Contractors

Deltek Costpoint Indirect Rate True-Up Invoicing

The Incurred Cost Submission: Benefits of Outsourcing vs In-House Preparation

Hold On, My Company Can Submit a Commercial Quote on a Government or Prime Solicitation?

What Can We Hope for with the Biden-Harris Better Contracting Initiative?

Department of Energy Issues Class Deviation on System of Award Management (SAM)

Preparing for a Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR) or Production Readiness Review (PRR)

Why Identifying Commercial Items at Your Organization is Key

DCAA Finally Takes a Step in the Right Direction with Cost Impact Guidance

Fiscal Year-End Close in Deltek Costpoint: General Ledger and Projects

What are the Different Types of CAS Accounting Practice Changes?

What Policies and Procedures Should a Government Contractor Have?

Another Cyber Security Noncompliance Under False Claims Act

How to Choose a Human Resources Management Technology Solution

Grant Regulations are Going to be Updated Soon – Get Your Comments Ready

Proposed FAR Changes Loaded with More Contractor Requirements for Cyber Security

What? The Government is Banning TikTok on My Personal Phone!

Why are Policies and Procedures so Important in Government Contracting?

What is Organizational Change Management and Organizational Intelligence?

Interest is Unallowable – How is That Possible?

Most Common Findings in an Estimating System Audit

Project Account Groups in Deltek Costpoint for Government Contractors

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 410 – Allocation of Business Unit G&A Expenses to Final Cost Objectives

Subrecipient Risk Assessment under 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 418 – Allocation of Direct and Indirect Costs

Yet Another Potential Government Shutdown – Say It Ain’t So

Does a Government Contract Require a Change to My Accounting?

Major Contract Year End Reporting Requirements for Government Contractors

Workflows in QuickBooks Online – New Feature for Government Contractors

Introduction to Government Property for Government Contractors

6 Pitfalls of Accounting and ERP System Implementations

Why a Comprehensive Compensation Plan is Key to Driving Organizational Success

Using Unanet

How Government Contractors Can Secure More Business: A Guide to Indirect Rate Strategies

Commercial Solutions Opening – Looking to Bring New Entrants into the DoD Marketplace

COVID Relief – Alert and How it Might Impact Government Contractors

Understanding FAR part 31, Cost Accounting Standards, and GAAP for Government Contractors

SAM Registrations: Check Often and NEVER Let It Lapse!

Unallowable Cost on Government Contracts

How Contracts Drive Your Company and the Importance of a Contract Filing System

Understanding your Lower-Tier Relationships with Subrecipient and Contractor Determinations under 2 CFR 200

Is the DoD Simplifying Government Property Clauses?

SF1408: Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor Accounting System Explained

Recent ASBCA Decision – Understand Just What You are Getting With an IDIQ Contract

OMB Extends Deadline for Software Supply Chain Security to Submit Attestation Forms

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 406 – Cost Accounting Period

Recent ASBCA and Court of Appeals Decisions Impacting Undefinitized Contract Actions

Managing Multiple Companies in the Same Unanet System

Best Practices Using QuickBooks Time for Government Contractors

What to Do and Not to Do When DCAA Cites Findings Against Your Company

Labor Qualifications under Time and Material Contracts

DCAA Audit Programs Impacting Small Business

Risks and Consequences to Billing and Revenue Changes in Deltek Costpoint

Department of Defense Has a Problem with Audits (Their Own)

Procurement Standards under 2 CFR 200 for Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Great Tips to Follow When Adding Contract Clauses in Unanet

Draft Self-Attestation Form for Software Producers Available for Comment by June 26, 2023

NDAA 2023 Specifies Data Required to Support Commercial Determinations

The Debt Ceiling – What Does It Mean to Government Contractors?

Deltek Costpoint 8.2: Empowering Businesses with Enhanced Efficiency and User Experience

FAR Part 31 Provides Special Treatment for Construction and A&E Contracts

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 405 – Accounting for Unallowable Costs

What are the FAR Requirements for a Code of Business Ethics and Conduct Program?

OFCCP’s 2023 Focus on Pay

Unanet Champions Highlights 2023

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 402 - Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purpose

The Hidden Competitor in Federal Construction and A&E Contracting

Internal Controls Required for Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements

What is the Purpose of a Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR)?

What is Defective Pricing and Why Should You be Worried?

DoD Final Rule Requires Contracting Officers to Consider SPRS Risk Assessments

DCAA Not Auditing Small SBIR Contracts

DFARS Final Rule Expanding Contracts Eligible for Quick Close Out

Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 401 - Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating, and Reporting Costs

Prime Contractor Responsibilities under SBA Final Rule for Past Performance Rating for Small Businesses

Small Businesses Have More Opportunities to Obtain Past Performance Ratings under SBA Final Rule

Which Cost Accounting Regulations Apply When You Have Grants and Federal Contracts?

Writing a Convincing Labor Basis of Estimate

Involved in Infrastructure Grants? March 13, 2023 is the Deadline for Comments on the Proposed OMB Rule

The Incurred Cost Submission: What are Schedules O and the Supplemental A’s?

Are You Ready if Chosen for the Corporate Scheduling Announcement List (CSAL)?

CEOs Need to Document That IR&D Projects Advance the Needs of DoD

The FTC Proposes a Rule Banning Most Non-Compete Agreements in the United States

Inflation & GSA Contracts—Balancing Risk with New GSA Guidelines

Should Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loan and Forgiveness Have Been Treated as a Credit?

How to Submit Your First Grant Proposal and Meet 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 Requirements

Compensation Planning and Analysis Especially Important to Government Contractors

Government Contractor Relies on Deltek Pro Bookkeepers and Redstone GCI to Support Growth

The ASBCA Giveth and the Federal Circuit Taketh Away

The Incurred Cost Submission: Why are Schedules H and J Important?

Can a Government Contractor Compensate Its Remote Employees For Travel From Home To The Office?

Where You Can Get Into Trouble in a Contractor Purchasing System Review

2023 Compensation Cap Update

Did the Door Just Open for Inflation Relief on DoD Fixed-Priced Contracts?

The Court of Appeals Reverses The Armed Services Board in The Raytheon Case

Does Your Company Have Research and Development Expenses? If so, Get Ready for an Increase in Your 2022 Taxes

The Incurred Cost Submission: Why are Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe Important?

Affirmative Action Plans: Identification of Problem Areas

Accounting Year End Tips Tricks in Unanet

2022 Redstone Edge Conference

Are the New DoD Final Rulings Important for Government Contractors?

What Does the DCAA Auditor Want in a Basis of Estimate (BOE)?

Thanksgiving 2022

OMB Issues New Cyber Security Requirements for Federal Agencies that Impacts Companies that Sell Software to the Government

How to Deal with a Difficult DCAA Auditor

Common Deficiencies That DCAA Reports in an Accounting System Audit

The Incurred Cost Submission: Why is Schedule K Important?

Deltek Costpoint Chat - October 31, 2022

Affirmative Action Plans: Flaws and Fixes to your Applicant Flow

DOJ settles Cybersecurity Related False Claims Act for $9M

The Theory of Laches Does Not Apply Under Contracts Disputes Act

Government Contract Year End Checklist for Unanet

Graduate to Deltek Costpoint by Leveraging Industry-Specific Accounting Expertise

FAR Final Rule: Small Business Opportunities Overseas – Don't Pack Your Bags Yet

ASBCA Case Helps Nail Down Record Retention Requirements

QuickBooks Quarterly – August 31, 2022

HR Huddle - How to Effectively Respond to EEOC Charges

The Incurred Cost Submission: Why is Schedule I the Most Important Schedule?

Finally – Prior FAR 12 Contract = Commercial Item Determination, for the Most Part

One More Required Company Executive Certification Under CMMC 2.0

Contractors Beware: Don’t get caught with a Material Breach of Contract Terms

Redstone's Unanet Release 22.6 Brief

Are Adjusting Billings to Final Year-End Rates Really That Important?

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 2)

Deltek Costpoint Chat - July 28, 2022

Affirmative Action Plans: Key Recordkeeping Considerations

Department of Justice Initiative on Cyber Security Incident Reporting

Benefits of Contracts Module in Unanet

HR Huddle - June 30, 2022

Government Contractor Inflation Risk: What Have You Considered and Are You Prepared?

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 1)

Understanding the Differences Between Purchase Orders and Subcontracts

The Future Does Not Look Good For COVID Related REAs

Unanet Champions Highlights 2022

Bye-Bye Foreign, Buy American

HR Huddle - May 26, 2022

Affirmative Action Requirements: AAP with Greater than 50 Employees

Redstone GCI Spring Fling - 2022

It is Time for a CPSR Review – Is Your Universe Up-To-Date?

Limitation on Pass-Through Charges in Government Contracts

Cyber Incident Reporting For GovCon

Deltek Costpoint Chat - April 29, 2022

HR Huddle - April 28, 2022