When to Request a Consent to Subcontract If You Don't Qualify for a Purchasing Review

Probably now. Depending on the type and dollar amount of your subcontracts, FAR 52.244-2 Subcontracts clause requires a contractor that does not have an approved purchasing system (never been reviewed or is disapproved) to obtain written consent from the Contracting Officer before subcontract award.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Is Submitting Other Than Certified Cost or Pricing Data Risk-Free?

There is no such thing as a risk-free interaction with the Government when it comes to submitting data.

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Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Estimating System Compliance

New DFARS Rule Attempts to Limit Flowdowns to DoD Commercial Subcontracts

Department of Defense (DoD) issued a final rule effective November 17, 2023, amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to limit DoD prime contractors from flowing down FAR and DFARS clauses to commercial subcontracts unless the flowdown is specified in the regulation.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Supply Chain Requirements on Covered Articles in Effect Now

The FAR Council issued an interim rule, effective December 4, 2023, which implements the requirements of the Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act (FASCSA). This included three new FAR clauses which prohibit the delivery or use of “covered articles” subject to a FASCSA order in the performance of a government contract.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Manufacturing Operations Consulting

What Policies and Procedures Should a Government Contractor Have?

If this were only a simple question. The most straightforward answer is that it is a good idea for any company to have policies and procedures. If that company is going to do business with the US Government those policies and procedures are going to have to be expanded as each contract may present additional requirements. To help you understand the complex level of requirements we will address the major business systems and other key areas.

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Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems, Human Resources, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Government Regulations, Government Property Management, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Material Management and Accounting System (MMAS), Estimating System Compliance

Proposed FAR Changes Loaded with More Contractor Requirements for Cyber Security

The FAR Council submitted a proposed rule amending FAR subparts, provisions, and clauses on October 3, 2023, to implement an Executive order on cyber threats, incident reporting, and information sharing for Federal contracts. This revision is being made to strengthen and standardize contractual requirements for cybersecurity across Federal agencies. The proposed rule also implements OMB Memorandum M-21-07 Completing the Transition to internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), dated November 19, 2020.

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Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Cybersecurity

OMB Extends Deadline for Software Supply Chain Security to Submit Attestation Forms

On June 9, 2023, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued M-23-16, Update to Memorandum M-22-18, providing an extension to the deadline for software developers to submit attestation forms to Federal agencies.

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Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Cybersecurity

Draft Self-Attestation Form for Software Producers Available for Comment by June 26, 2023

On April 27, 2023, The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a draft Secure Software Development Attestation Form. Software producers that sell to the government will be required to complete the self-attestation form to attest that the software they produce was developed in conformity with specified secure development practices.

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Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Cybersecurity

NDAA 2023 Specifies Data Required to Support Commercial Determinations

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2023, Section 803 amended the data that contractors are required to supply for commercial products at the subsystem, component and spare-part levels for major weapons system. While a DFARS proposed rule is being drafted, we expect Contracting Officers and DCMA Commercial Item Group (CIG) to begin requiring this information for proposed commercial products in advance of the DFARS proposed rule.

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Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Commercial Item Determination

What is the Purpose of a Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR)?

The purpose of a CPSR is to determine if a contractor’s purchasing system and related internal controls comply with applicable laws and regulations, are effective over compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and are adequate and operating effectively. Contractors should evaluate their purchasing system by using the following regulations and DCMA guidance:

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Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR)