Current FAR Requirements
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 42.101 provides that normally, “the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) is the responsible Government audit agency.” While DCAA’s website states “DCAA provides audit and financial advisory services to DoD and other federal entities responsible for acquisition and contract administration.” DCAA only has appropriated funds to provide services to the Department of Defense (DoD). All other federal agencies must pay for DCAA services. This can make a decision related to the necessity of an audit service a budget-based decision. Today, DCAA is current on the required incurred cost audits of contractors with DoD contracts, but contractors with mostly National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contracts are years behind in their required incurred cost audits. If, as the FAR states, “DCAA is the responsible Government audit agency,” why is it not a Federal audit agency (dare we say – FCAA)? This would make things much easier for NASA and other federal agencies that need their contracts audited. However, given that this isn’t the case, DCAA is not the only option for federal agencies. Many agencies other than DoD have contracted with third-party CPA firms to get necessary audits performed.