FAR Part 36 - Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts provides the direction to contracting officer on the expected processes and requirements around contracting for construction and Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services. Part 36 addresses construction and A&E separately and we have included some of the key areas below.
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Government Regulations, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Commercial Item Determination, Federal Construction Contracting
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC) issued a Memorandum dated May 5, 2024, to Agencies on the Treatment of Nontraditional Defense Contractors.
Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Commercial Item Determination
DoD issued a final rule DFARS Case 2023-D010 on May 30, 2024, amending The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) implementing Section 803 of the National Defense Authorization Act on data required in support of commerciality determinations and price reasonableness under procurements for major weapon systems. The purpose is to provide additional guidance related to the data required to support a request for a commercial determination and the price reasonableness process.
Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Commercial Item Determination
In November of 2023, DoD issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to partially implement a section of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) addressing the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and DFARS contract clauses impacting prime or higher-tier contractors issuing commercial subcontracts for commercial products, including commercially available off-the-shelf items, and commercial services.
Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Service Contract Act, Commercial Item Determination
How does the Government define construction? We need to consider some of the definitions in FAR part 2:
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Government Regulations, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Commercial Item Determination, Federal Construction Contracting
My commercial company wants to increase business with the Federal Government – but not with all those requirements the Government follows when buying under FAR Part 15 rules (Contracting by Negotiation). Is that even possible? The answer is “absolutely”.
Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Commercial Item Determination
My company only sells to the Government so my products/services can’t be commercial. Truth or Myth. This is a myth. If you are selling products/services under FAR 15 based contracts or subcontracts, submitting certified cost and pricing data and documenting other accounting and purchasing requirements that come along with it, when the products/services technically meet the definition of commercial under the FAR – it may be time to rethink your approach.
Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Commercial Item Determination
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2023, Section 803 amended the data that contractors are required to supply for commercial products at the subsystem, component and spare-part levels for major weapons system. While a DFARS proposed rule is being drafted, we expect Contracting Officers and DCMA Commercial Item Group (CIG) to begin requiring this information for proposed commercial products in advance of the DFARS proposed rule.
Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Commercial Item Determination
DoD issued a final rule under DFARS Case 2020-D033, effective April 28, 2022, that allows Contracting Officers to rely on a contract issued under FAR Part 12 procedures to serve as a prior commercial item determination on future buys. It only makes sense, that Contracting Officers rely on prior FAR 12 contracts instead of recreating the wheel each time a contractor submits a commercial product/service and making the contractor continually support a product/service already determined commercial.
Topics: DFARS Business Systems, Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR), Commercial Item Determination
What is the Commercial Item Group (CIG)?
So, what is the DCMA CIG? They are the “cadre of experts” established under DCMA as a result of Section 831 of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The purpose of the CIG is to assist DoD contracting officers in making commercial item determinations. There are several DCMA ACO’s that have warrants specific to making commercial item determinations on contractor assertions or higher-tier contractor determinations of its supplier’s assertions at the request of a buying command. DCMA CIG has price analysts and engineers that perform market research, evaluate the commercial submission, determine whether pricing is fair and reasonable as well as provide negotiation support.
Topics: Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Commercial Item Determination