John C. Shire, CPA

John C. Shire, CPAJohn is a Director with Redstone Government Consulting, Inc. providing government contract consulting services to our clients primarily related to the DFARS business systems, CAS Disclosure Statements, and DCAA/DCMA compliance preparation, advisory, and defense. Prior to joining Redstone Government Consulting, John served in a number of capacities with DCAA/DCMA for more than 30 years. Upon his retirement, he was based in Texas as an SES-level Corporate Audit Director for DCAA, managing a staff of 300 auditors at one of the largest DOD programs. Professional Experience John began his career in the late 80s working in the Clearwater, FL audit office and over the next three decades he progressed through a number of positions within both DCAA and DCMA with career highlights as DCAA Program Manager at Ft. Belvoir, Chief of Technical Programs Division, Deputy Assistant Director-Policy, Director of the DCMA Cost and Pricing Center, the SES-level Lockheed Martin Corporate Audit Director, and Director of Integrity and Quality Assurance. John’s three decades of experience in performing and leading DCAA auditors and DCMA reviewers provides a wealth of expertise to our clients. John’s role, not only in the performance of audits, but also in the development of audit policy affords him unique insights into the defense of audit findings and the linkage of audit program steps to the underlying regulatory framework. He is an expert in FAR, DFARS, and other agency acquisition regulation, as well as a subject matter expert in the Cost Accounting Standards having reviewed and provided audit feedback on many of the largest and most complex cost accounting practices during his tenure with the DCAA. John’s tenure with DCAA and DCMA came at a critical time during each agency’s history where a number of changes were occurring such as the response to the ICS backlog, development of audit approaches to the DFARS Business Systems and implementation of new audit initiatives as a result of Congressional oversight through the NDAA process. John’s leadership at the DCMA Cost & Pricing center saw oversight of all major DOD pricing actions, leadership of should cost review teams, the Commercial Pricing group and many other areas of strategic value to our clients. His involvement in these and other Agency initiatives is of great value to our clients due to his in depth understanding of DCAA and DCMA’s internal policy directives. Education John holds a Master of Business Administration and a B.A. in Accounting from the University of South Florida. Certifications Certified Information Systems Auditor State of Alabama Certified Public Accountant

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COVID Relief – Alert and How it Might Impact Government Contractors

On June 27, 2023, The Small Business Administration (SBA) Inspector General issued a White Paper titled “COVID-19 Pandemic EIDL and PPP Loan Fraud Landscape.” The paper states the IG “estimate[s] that SBA disbursed over $200 billion in potentially fraudulent COVID-19 EIDLs, EIDL Targeted Advances, Supplemental Targeted Advances, and PPP loans.” The paper going on to state: “OIG is working on tens of thousands of investigative leads on alleged fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer resources. Thousands of investigations will ensue for years to come because of swift congressional action to increase the statute of limitations to 10 years for COVID-19 EIDL and PPP fraud.”

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Unallowable Cost on Government Contracts

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Understanding your Lower-Tier Relationships with Subrecipient and Contractor Determinations under 2 CFR 200

2 CFR 200.331, Subrecipient and contractor determinations, requires that an organization performing a grant or cooperative agreement document a case-by-case determination as to whether each sub-agreement it makes classifies the lower-tier organization in the role of a subrecipient or a contractor. The guidance provided to assist with this required determination is extremely subjective.

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Recent ASBCA Decision – Understand Just What You are Getting With an IDIQ Contract

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Recent ASBCA and Court of Appeals Decisions Impacting Undefinitized Contract Actions

April 25, 2023; the Court of Appeals agreed with the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) that a contractor cannot take a unilaterally established Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) to the Board without first submitting a certified claim request for a final decision by the contracting officer.

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Labor Qualifications under Time and Material Contracts

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DCAA Audit Programs Impacting Small Business

Starting back in 2021, DCAA issued updates to its audit programs supporting the audit of incurred cost. Here are a few interesting things we noted in the updates.

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Procurement Standards under 2 CFR 200 for Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements

2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 lays out the Procurement Standards (i.e., purchasing system requirements) in section 317 to 327. 2 CFR 200.317 (Procurement by States) requires State Governments making purchases under Federal awards to use the same policies and procedures it uses for placing purchases when it spends State funds. 2 CFR 200.318 (General Procurement Standards) relates to non-Federal entities[1] other than State Governments. This section requires the non-Federal entity to have and use documented procurement procedures, consistent with laws and regulations and conform to the procurement standards identified in §§ 200.317 through 200.327.

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FAR Part 31 Provides Special Treatment for Construction and A&E Contracts

FAR 31.105, Construction and architect-engineer contracts, provides somewhat unique cost accounting expectations (i.e., cost principles and procedures) the Federal Government has when awarding contracts for construction management or construction, alteration or repair of buildings, bridges, roads, or other kinds of real property. It also addresses architect-engineer (A&E) contracts related to construction projects. This applies to all cost-reimbursable contracts and the pricing of contracts based on cost analysis as required by FAR 15.404-1(a)(3).

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Topics: Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Federal Construction Contracting

The Hidden Competitor in Federal Construction and A&E Contracting

FAR 36.203, Government estimate of construction costs, and FAR 36.605, Government cost estimate for architect-engineer work, require the development of an independent Government estimate of the cost of construction costs and architect-engineer services when the value is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold ($250,000). The estimate shall be prepared in as much detail as though the Government were competing for award or on the basis of a detailed analysis of the required work as though the Government were submitting a proposal. Access to the Government estimate is limited to Government personnel unless during negotiations the contracting officer identifies a specialized task and discloser is deemed necessary to arrive at a fair and reasonable price.

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Topics: Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Federal Construction Contracting