2 CFR 200.331, Subrecipient and contractor determinations, requires that an organization performing a grant or cooperative agreement document a case-by-case determination as to whether each sub-agreement it makes classifies the lower-tier organization in the role of a subrecipient or a contractor. The guidance provided to assist with this required determination is extremely subjective.
John C. Shire, CPA
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Topics: Government Regulations, Grants & Cooperative Agreements (2 CFR 200)
Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts often look like a big money opportunity for contractors – but looks can be deceiving. Many IDIQs are multi-awards, meaning you are just one of many contractors that may get task orders awarded under the contract. On top of that, the required minimum the Government must buy under the IDIQ is, in most cases, very low. So, it turns out that millions of dollars of anticipated business fizzles down to $2,500 – which may have a shocking impact to your return on investment.
Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
April 25, 2023; the Court of Appeals agreed with the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) that a contractor cannot take a unilaterally established Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) to the Board without first submitting a certified claim request for a final decision by the contracting officer.
Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
All Time and Material (T&M) contracts with the Federal Government, even commercial ones under Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) part 12, have one big thing in common. That big thing is that all of the labor hours delivered must be performed by individuals meeting the labor qualifications specified in the contract. The Federal Government uses very strong language in its contract requirement related to this, stating the hours “will not be paid to the extent the work is performed by individuals that do not meet the qualifications.”
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Starting back in 2021, DCAA issued updates to its audit programs supporting the audit of incurred cost. Here are a few interesting things we noted in the updates.
Topics: Incurred Cost Proposal Submission (ICP/ICE), DCAA Audit Support, Government Regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 lays out the Procurement Standards (i.e., purchasing system requirements) in section 317 to 327. 2 CFR 200.317 (Procurement by States) requires State Governments making purchases under Federal awards to use the same policies and procedures it uses for placing purchases when it spends State funds. 2 CFR 200.318 (General Procurement Standards) relates to non-Federal entities[1] other than State Governments. This section requires the non-Federal entity to have and use documented procurement procedures, consistent with laws and regulations and conform to the procurement standards identified in §§ 200.317 through 200.327.
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Government Regulations, Grants & Cooperative Agreements (2 CFR 200)
FAR 31.105, Construction and architect-engineer contracts, provides somewhat unique cost accounting expectations (i.e., cost principles and procedures) the Federal Government has when awarding contracts for construction management or construction, alteration or repair of buildings, bridges, roads, or other kinds of real property. It also addresses architect-engineer (A&E) contracts related to construction projects. This applies to all cost-reimbursable contracts and the pricing of contracts based on cost analysis as required by FAR 15.404-1(a)(3).
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FAR 36.203, Government estimate of construction costs, and FAR 36.605, Government cost estimate for architect-engineer work, require the development of an independent Government estimate of the cost of construction costs and architect-engineer services when the value is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold ($250,000). The estimate shall be prepared in as much detail as though the Government were competing for award or on the basis of a detailed analysis of the required work as though the Government were submitting a proposal. Access to the Government estimate is limited to Government personnel unless during negotiations the contracting officer identifies a specialized task and discloser is deemed necessary to arrive at a fair and reasonable price.
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Organizations receiving Federal awards (i.e., grants or cooperative agreements) are required by 2 CFR 200.303(a) to “[e]stablish and maintain effective internal control over the Federal award that provides reasonable assurance that the non-Federal entity is managing the Federal award in compliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award.” This section goes on to provide that the internal controls should comply with the guidance in:
Topics: Government Regulations, Grants & Cooperative Agreements (2 CFR 200)
Organizations that have federal awards, whether that be grants, cooperative agreements or contracts, must comply with specific cost accounting regulations. Unfortunately, depending on the type of federal award, the regulations may not be the same. Both, both Grants or Cooperative Agreements awarded under 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 and Contracts awarded under 48 CFR Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) provide requirements for cost allowability, allocability, and reasonableness as well as the required cost accounting treatment for all cost:
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Government Regulations, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), Grants & Cooperative Agreements (2 CFR 200)