Is cheaper always better? When choosing a software system like Unanet for implementation, many organizations are tempted to go with the lowest-cost option. However, while cost might seem like the most immediate concern, focusing solely on price often leads to long-term challenges that can affect your business's financial health and operational efficiency.
Katie Donnell

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Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Small Business Compliance, Unanet
What is your company using to track Opportunities? A robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution or spreadsheets and sticky notes? As companies grow, it’s imperative that your team adapts to stay competitive and win contracts. A lot of business development teams track opportunities in Excel. First, bravo for using Excel and not a sticky note. You are on the right track! What if I told you that using a CRM to track opportunities would allow you to gain efficiency, never miss a due date, and project future revenue?
The rush to close any accounting system for the previous year is everyone’s top priority at the beginning of the new year. Why? We have forms to file. We have performance numbers to report. The annual Incurred Cost Submission is a top priority for government contractors with cost-type contracts. The Incurred Cost Electronically (ICE), or Incurred Cost Submission (ICS), is a highly formatted spreadsheet model with many worksheets (17 required and 6 optional) that provides a standard electronic package to assist in preparing adequate incurred cost submissions. The ICE spreadsheet model also helps with audit support and is the final version of reported costs incurred and billed within a year.
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Incurred Cost Proposal Submission (ICP/ICE), DCAA Audit Support, Unanet
January 1st is a popular Go Live date for any software implementation, and we certainly see that with our Unanet clients. The benefits of starting a new accounting system at the beginning of the year include several things such as:
The year 2023 was a great one for the Unanet Community. I ended the year attending the 4th Quarter Huntsville Unanet Users Group (HUUG) Meeting, where there was an Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition that I didn’t win. HUUG is such a unique group of Unanet Users in the Huntsville Community. If you are a Unanet user in the Huntsville area and have not already joined, I recommend you do. Reach out to me, and I can provide you with the contact information to get added to the group. If you are outside of the Huntsville area, look for Unanet user groups near you to connect with a peer group for a sense of community, networking and support. I think you will find it beneficial.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Below, we’ve created a compact list of action items for your Unanet accounting system at year end. Please don’t hesitate to call us to walk through this year end checklist with one of our consultants to help guide you.
Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, DCAA Audit Support, Unanet
There are many circumstances where a Unanet customer might manage multiple legal entities in the same Unanet system. There are many benefits as well:
Unanet recently released multiple updates to the Contracts Module. Contract clauses were one of the updates that had everyone excited. This new functionality is great if you plan on using it to its full capability. There are multiple steps to this process, which can be time-consuming, so you’ll want to set aside time and plan ahead to complete this process.
The Unanet Champions conference was held this year in Denver, CO. Prior to the conference kick-off, Unanet now host a day of training for those want training in specific areas. Katie participated in Analytics and I was in the CRM: Administering the System. I will become a Certified Implementer for CRM this summer and I’m excited about the opportunity.
Topics: Unanet
As the year comes to an end, there are some additional considerations and setup items that need to be completed. Unanet is a comprehensive accounting system that offers clear procedures for closing on the Support Site. Every company is different, therefore, we at Redstone GCI wanted to provide a checklist and a few links to the Unanet Support Site to help guide you through the Year-End Process smoothly and efficiently:
Topics: Unanet