Subcontract Disputes on Cost Type Government Contracts

Although many of us think of contract disputes as those involving a prime contractor and a U.S. Government agency, subcontracts can also trigger differences of subcontract interpretation between the prime and subcontractor. In Civil Action No. 1:16-cv-215, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia decided a diversity breach of contract case between government contractors (the contractor and subcontractor names are a matter of public record, thus disclosure). Fluor (the subcontractor) contended that they did not agree to a 2.3% cap to their G&A on a proposal effort with the United States Air Force. Their proposal, as a subcontract to their prime contractor, PAE, was ultimately selected for the award, at which time, a subcontract agreement was executed and the two parties began their respective performance on the contract. The specific language of that subcontract agreement is the heart of this case (differentiated from a dispute over the regulatory language contained in a subcontract flow-down).

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Topics: Small Business Compliance, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration

House Bill to Address DCAA Auditor Hiring, Qualifications, and Private Sector Experience

Congressman Mac Thornberry recently introduced the “Defense Acquisition Streamlining and Transparency Act” to improve the acquisition system and workforce, and improve transparency in the acquisition system. Click here to download the 80-page bill.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DCAA Audit Support

How to Optimize your Government Contract Closeout Experience

It has been years since the contract period of performance has ended, DCAA has finally concluded their audit or review of your incurred cost proposal, and you have received the final indirect rate letter from DCAA. Now what? By design, the contract closeout process begins in earnest.   Typically, the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) is responsible for initiating administrative closeout of the contract after receiving evidence of its physical completion.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems

Program/Project Control – Does my Company Need this Function?

What is a Program Control analyst and do I need one? These questions are often asked by small business who might not understand the role of a Program Controller. Program (or Project) Controllers are most frequently financial managers who oversee project revenues and expenditures to ensure programs are on schedule and within budget. Program Control Analysts bridge the gap between the program manager and the accounting department and support the needs of both organizations. Program Managers typically manage the technical aspects of a program, while the accounting department manages payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. Program Control Analysts provide a link between the technical elements of program management and the compliance elements of cost accounting. Program control personnel generally have a business background in accounting, finance, business administration or economics which allows them to assist the program manager with decisions which are compliant with business policy and are in accordance with contract terms.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration

Unaudited Accounting Systems and Government Solicitations – Read the Fine Print

We often hear the following statement and question: “My proposal (the government solicitation) calls for a compliant accounting system (SF 1408) and I’ve never been audited.  What do I do?”.

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Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Small Business Compliance, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration

DCAA Audit Policy Implementing Trump’s 2 for 1 Regulatory Reductions

Virtually all government contractors and anyone else hoping for regulatory relief from the new administration is aware of the Executive Order (EO) requiring a 2 for 1 reduction in agency regulations for each new regulation. In an effort to show that DCAA is politically savvy and much more positive and proactive than most agencies (who are less than enthusiastic about this EO), DCAA has begun to vet some “similar to” audit strategies. The following are some of the highlights of a DCAA Press Conference to announce a broad range of “2 for 1 reductions”.

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Topics: Redstone GCI, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DCAA Audit Support

Labor Laws and Regulations Update

With a Presidential Memorandum halting all proposed federal regulations that have not yet taken effect and pausing the Department of Labor’s (DOL) appeal of the nationwide injunction on the overtime rule which would double the minimum salary for exempt status, we are curious how the new administration will impact employer responsibilities, particularly those of federal contractors. While we certainly hope for some respite, we won’t speculate on what might happen, and we continue to encourage employers to be diligent in compliance with those regulations which have recently taken effect as well as those that employers have been slow to tackle.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DFARS Business Systems

DCAA Selection of Incurred Cost Proposals for Audit - What is my Risk?

Since most incurred cost proposals (ICPs) are due June 30, it is a good time for contractors to review the DCAA criteria for audit selection in order to minimize (where possible) the potential that their ICP will be selected for audit. All ICPs with an auditable dollar volume (ADV) greater than $250 million are automatically selected for audit. ICPs with an ADV between $100 million and $250 million of ADV that have not been audited in the last 3 years are also automatically selected for audit. ADV is determined by the amount of cost reimbursable, i.e. cost type and T&M, contract revenue for the fiscal year.

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Topics: Incurred Cost Proposal Submission (ICP/ICE), Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DCAA Audit Support

Is My Accounting System Adequate, Acceptable or Approved...Does it Matter?

To the uninformed, there may be little or no distinction between the three adjectives which could apply to a contractor (or potential contractor) accounting system. To those dealing with the terminology in government solicitations, there may appear to be no significant distinction because the words seem to be used interchangeably. For example, an Air Force solicitation may have a prerequisite for an adequate accounting system, in contrast to Navy solicitation which substitutes the words acceptable accounting system. Then a third alternative could be a solicitation which gives competing bidders points for approved systems; i.e. 500 points for having an approved accounting system. In most cases, the solicitation links the accounting system status (adequate, acceptable or approved) to an action (written opinion or written determination) by a federal government agency or, less frequently, an opinion by an independent third party such as a CPA or consultant. There is a fourth alternative, an accounting system which has never been reviewed by any independent party (government or otherwise). In this case, a contractor (or a potential contractor) may have an accounting system awaiting its first test, so to speak.

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Topics: Compliant Accounting Infrastructure, Proposal Cost Volume Development & Pricing, Small Business Compliance, Contracts & Subcontracts Administration

ASBCA Repudiates DCAA Legal Theory for Prime Contractor Management of Subcontracts

In the recently published ASBCA Nos 59508 and 59509, the ASBCA agreed with the contractor and dismissed the government claim (final decision) which had disallowed $116,789,631 (subcontractor costs as components of direct costs claimed by the prime contractor).   The premise for the (failed) final decision was DCAA’s assertion that the prime contractor had breached its contractual duty to “manage” the prime contractor’s subcontracts and subcontractors.   The reference is FAR 42.202(e)(2) which states that the prime contractor is responsible for managing its subcontracts. In context, that clause makes it clear that the government (Contracting Officer) is only responsible for administering the prime contract. In contrast, and only by implication and a legal theory created by a DCAA auditor, the prime contractor assumes certain FAR Part 42 responsibilities for subcontracts.

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Topics: Contracts & Subcontracts Administration, DCAA Audit Support